What We Do

What We Do

“What’s cooking?”, you may ask.

At Talk Doesn’t Cook Rice, we don’t just create; we elevate. A spirit of excellence and passion are the secret ingredients in the kitchen.

Our approach is to nurture and grow your brand with the same devotion and care one would give to a cherished relationship.

Brand Strategy

brand blueprint brand positioning brand voice

A clear story anchors the brand and is the catalyst for everything else to come, one of which is customer loyalty. We work with brands to craft a clear visionary direction and persona, which over time, will present your business as a credible (and desirable) expert with a stellar reputation, head and shoulders above the competition.

Brand Identity

visual identity art direction tagline style guide comms templates

Great brand design involves crafting a “instantly recognisable in a crowded market landscape” visual identity (your brand’s signature look and feel). This is an integral part to “get it right” as it represents the brand’s personality and values, and can be a powerful tool in shaping how your consumers feel about your brand. We achieve this by sitting down with you to develop a strategic, intentional, well-thought out brand communications piece.

Brand Expression

The most colourful tool in the brand box, this is how your brand story is represented and told in the marketplace via various paid and owned touch points eg website, social media, packaging, search etc. 

Brand Consultancy

We are interested in your business. Together, we will define and sharpen your brand - breathing new life into your existing piece of business, establishing a foundational Go-To-Market launch strategy, or future-proofing communications that speak to where your brand is and can be. Having insight into your vision and challenges will enable us to offer bespoke recommendations and possibilities for your brand. 

This is also the space where we come together to birth new and fresh ideas - focusing on innovation with an unbridled creative spirit. Purposefully built for these modern changing times, we take pride in offering creative solutions and smart thinking to your brand.